Create a Custom Field

Create a custom field at the line item or document level. Configurations can be found in the Administrator panel under Documents -> Custom Fields. All existing custom fields can be updated, deleted or inactivated from this view. 

Once you've reviewed the process, put what you've learned to work by downloading the practice workflow attached below.



To get started ‘Create a Custom Field’. The following steps will require review or completion. 


Complete all required details in the custom field record.


      1. Complete the ‘Field Name’.
      2. Select ‘Type’
        • If ‘List’ is selected as a Custom Field Type, Administrators may elect to designate a Default List type value. 
      3. Decide when and how the Custom View is seen. Required: Set a Requirement for the Custom field based on Supplier or Category(s). Once toggled on, select from existing master data. PCCF04.png
      4. Toggle on to assign custom fields to all line items. 
      5. Select which documents to associate with the custom field.


Custom Field List Default 

If List is selected as a Custom Field Type, Administrators may elect to designate a default List type for that particular custom field.


Click the arrow displayed to the right of the Custom Field ‘List’ Type selection. 

Enter List Values. Once completed select the Default Value at the top of the screen. Once selection has been entered. Click ‘Submit’. 

Any Custom fields associated with a document type will also then display within that document type sub-classification. 

Custom Field - Practice Workflow 

Referencing the Custom Field Grab & Go. Create a Custom Field as an administrator then test the experience as a Requester. 

Note: Access to your SOCI Administrator login will be required. 

Create a Custom Field 

      1. Navigate to the Custom Field subcategory in the Navigation Panel. 
      2. Create a new Create a Custom Field, title it “Color - Practice’ 
      3. Select ‘List’ as the Type. This will prompt entry of list options. Enter 3 different colors, selecting a price modifier. Select one newly added color as the ‘Default Value’. (This is the value that will automatically populate the custom field.)
      4. Set the Custom Field Requirement for a supplier associated with a catalog that you can test from your Shopper view. 
      5. Save your “Color - Practice” custom field.


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