Goods Receipt
- Select ‘Receipts’ in the blue navigation bar.
- Here you will find a repository of all Purchase orders. The view will default to the ‘Ready to Receive’ Tab, listing all POs awaiting completion of a goods receipt. If desired, use the search bar to narrow down your results further.
- Click the Delivery Truck icon in the left most column next to the PO you would like to confirm receipt of. (below)
- From the Goods Receipt ‘Draft, Review the Line Item details and enter the Quantity Received*
- If you received everything as expected, click ‘Receive All’. This auto-populates the Qty to Receive column and updates the Total Price and Total Amount areas to display the received dollar amounts.
- If you received everything as expected, click ‘Receive All’. This auto-populates the Qty to Receive column and updates the Total Price and Total Amount areas to display the received dollar amounts.
- Optional fields: Bill of Lading, Packing Slip or Comments to the Goods Receipt.
- Click ‘Confirm Receipt’. This document will be relocated from the Ready to Receive to the Received status area as historical data. (not pictured)
Note: You can open the Goods Receipt draft from the PO view by clicking the horizontal ellipsis at the bottom right hand corner. (right)
*Partial Goods Receipt on next page.
Goods Receipts for Partial Delivery
If the delivery of ordered products is incomplete, contact the vendor outside of the system to create a Partial Goods Receipt for the items that have been received.
The process for confirming partial goods receipt will be the same as for a Complete Goods Receipt except at step 6 (above) you will enter only the number received.
- After selecting ‘Confirm Receipt’, you will be prompted to confirm the Partial Goods Receipt.
Note: If the non-received items will never be received due to discontinuation or reasons. Select ‘Close PO for Receiving’. (right) This will remove any further receipt requirements for items related to the particular PO.
Complete a Partial Goods Receipt
Partially received POs will remain in the ‘Ready to Receive’ tab until they are completed.
To complete the Goods receipt, return to ‘Ready to Receive’ and again select the delivery truck icon and complete steps 4-8 above.
Missing Goods Receipts
POs with Missing Goods receipts may be sent back to you to confirm receipt before the Supplier Invoice can be paid. Goods Receipt requirements are set by your Administrators. POs escalated to you for receipt confirmation are housed under ‘Resolve Invoices’ in your navigation panel.
See Exception Handling materials for further details.