Begin by understanding the different roles available
‘Supplier User’ Roles
Administrator: Create users, edit the company profile, add comments to and create all transactional documents.
Order Processor: Reject and confirm POs, create invoices and ASNs and add comments to transactional documents.
Content Manager: Manage their Vroozi Catalog content with a single sign on via the Portal. Content Managers can create and update catalogs on the buying organization’s behalf. Buying organization approval will still be required before changes go live.
- Like and administrator and order processor, they can also complete all portal transactional flows
Tip!! We recommend rolling out this permission after initial adoption of the platform and workflows has been executed by the supplier.
- Navigate to the Supplier Users view within Supplier Portal → Users
- Select ‘Invite a new user’
- Link to the employee’s Supplier
- Complete all details & select the user role
- Customize the Invitation email message and select ‘Send Invite(s)’
- Navigate to the Supplier Users view within Supplier Portal → Users
The Supplier user’s record will now be listed in the Supplier Tab of their supplier record and under Supplier Portal → Users. Once a supplier user is invited, their user record is not editable. If edits are required, you must remove the user and create a new account.
*Supplier invitation and supplier user creation can also be managed from the existing Supplier record.
Additional step for ‘Content Manager’ Users
Note: There are 2 steps required to set up the Content Manager role. The Supplier contact must be created as a Supplier Portal user in Vroozi Purchase and as a supplier user within the Supplier’s record in Vroozi Catalog.
- In Vroozi Purchase via Supplier Portal User creation.
- In Vroozi Catalog via the Supplier’s record. Enter the supplier user’s email and name.