Comprehensive Guide to the Marketplace Shopper experience.
Vroozi Marketplace is an Amazon-like shopping experience but better because it is specifically tailored to your buying needs. You can search and shop for items among multiple supplier catalogs, compare prices, add items to your cart, create shopping lists & save your search results.
- Federated Search bar: Search by keyword, item number, etc.
- Categories: Search among the categories based on your customized catalogs.
- My Searches: Access recent or saved searches
- Suppliers: Supplier Catalog Icons. Click to access.
Supplier Catalogs
Type | Description | Catalog Card Example |
Hosted Supplier Catalog |
Specific catalog items with pricing and images are loaded into the Vroozi platform. (‘Browse’ appears on catalog card) |
Punchout Supplier Catalog |
Items are hosted in the Supplier’s website. Shoppers return to Vroozi Marketplace once ready to check out their cart. (Supplier name appears on catalog card) |
Level 2 Catalog |
Shoppers can select view uploaded catalog items internally and are directed to the vendor website to add to cart or view items not housed within the internal catalog. (‘Browse’ & Supplier name appears on catalog card) |
Look out for Announcements, Information, & special Welcome Messages from your Administrators.
- Announcements: Found on your homepage. Announcements are color coded red, yellow and green based on urgency. Red is the highest priority. Announcements can be dismissed once read.
- Welcome Message: System-wide message for all users
- Information: Pinned to the Welcome bar and cannot be dismissed. Marketplace
Create an Order
- Launch from your external ERP
- Begin Shopping: Perform a search or select a Catalog from the homepage.
- When ready, select items to view or add to cart. Update quantity as needed.
- Select the product’s name to view a complete description.
- Select the product’s name to view a complete description.
- Click cart icon to perform a quick view or your cart or access in full screen.
- Complete order and check out.
- Transaction is completed your external ERP
Use the federated search bar to search by the following descriptors:
- Short Description
- Long Text
- Supplier Part Number
- Manufacturer Part Number
- Material Group
- Supplier
- Searchable Custom Field
Perform an Advanced Search
Select the downward facing arrow to the right of the search bar to select more specific search parameters.
Saved Searches
Save searches you want to access or view at a later date.
- Select ‘Save Search’ at the top of the results field.
- Name your search and ‘Save’.
- Access ‘Saved Searches’ from the homepage. Your five most recent searches will be listed.
Create lists for items you frequently purchase or items you are not yet ready to purchase. Saved lists can be used an unlimited amount of time.
- Select from saved lists in the top right corner.
Create Shopping Lists
Select items & click Create New or previously created list
- Click the arrow next to the product name
Add to Lists
Select items & add to current list
- Click the arrow next to the product name
Note: Punchout catalog items cannot be added to a list until they are added and then viewed from the cart.
Compare Search Items
- Check ‘Compare’ below the image of a product you want to compare against others.
- Once all items have been added select ‘Compare’ at the top of the search field.
- View items, add to cart or return to search results.